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Welcome to the Glossword.biz Support area.

If you have problems using the software, consult with online knowledge base:

  • Questions - a common questions and answers. The best way to start.
  • Problems - issue tracker, it is open for submitting "bugs" and unexpected behaviors.
  • Feature requests - the place for ideas or features you'd like to have or to share.
  • Articles - contains documentation, how-to guides that will help you learn more about Glossword.



Feature requests


Additional services

Updating to the current version (from 1.9.x to 1.9.3)
The customer should provide a temporary access to FTP and to database if necessary.
50 Euros
Technical support by e-mail.
The customer should provide a temporary access to FTP and to database if necessary.
50 Euros / month
Glossword commercial license with copyright removal (1.9.3), single site.
A legal way to remove Powered by Glossword notice.
100 Euros
Changing the functionality, adding more features.
The developer reserves the rights to include the functionality into future Glossword versions.
from 100 Euros
Porting Glossword to a CMS
The developer reserves the rights to include the functionality into future Glossword versions.
1000 Euros, 1-2 months
Creation of dictionaries using material provided by the customer. Online and printable versions are possible. depends on terms of reference